Cindy was a Graduate student in the food agriculture and Biological Engineering department, The Ohio State University since August of 2012. Received the Matching Graduate School Tuition and Fee Award to pursue a doctoral degree at the Ohio state University. Fulbright scholarship recipient for a graduate program in United states, award given by Fulbright Colombia in conjunction with the Colombian's Ministry of Education. Best score obtained in the national evaluation Saber-Pro, Colombia, in the Agro-industrial Engineering program 2009. Graduate specialization on Environmental Engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Monteria, Cordoba, Colombia May 2012. B.S. Agro-Industrial Engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Monteria, Cordoba, Colombia Feb 2010. Research interest include Biomaterials, Bioprocessing and the used of waste-derived materials to generate valued added products. Graduated Fall 2016.