
Search results

  1. Soil Health Workshop- Woodville

    Soil Health Specialist, Ohio & Michigan Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension, Wood County Soil and Water ...

  2. Scab Risk Continues to be Low, but Rain is in the Forecast

    Several fields across south-central Ohio reached anthesis over the weekend, and since conditions were ... things may change for fields in the Northern half of the state that are likely to reach anthesis later ... Caramba and Prosaro is 30 days. On average, wheat in Ohio is usually harvested between 40 and 45 days ...

  3. Ohio 4-H SS Banquet

     Needs Updated Info for 2013 ...

  4. 2018-36


  5. Damping-off is Not Always Caused by Water Molds and Fungi; Insects Can Play a Role Too

    Though soil borne pathogens are usually the cause of damping off in Ohio’s poorly drained soils, seedcorn ... may need to replant. Studies suggest seed treatments may reduce or prevent damage from this maggot and ...

  6. Harvest Delays Impact Corn Performance

    and stalk quality. The study was conducted at three locations in NW, NE, and SW Ohio over a three year ...

  7. Soil Health Workshop- Ottawa

          Program Evaluation and Adjourn   Presenters: James Hoorman, NRCS Soil Health Specialist, Ohio ...

  8. Winter Wheat Stand Evaluation

    Over the past two years, with funding from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program, we evaluated the ...

  9. 2018-35


  10. Conservation Tillage Conference: New Topics for Changing Ag

    Tillage Conference (CTC) has the answers to these questions and many more. The McIntosh Center at Ohio ... exhibitors, and approximately 900 participants will come together March 6th and 7th in Ada, Ohio. Attend this ...
