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BNRC Gathering of Men 2015
2015, 6:00 PM The Ohio Union Speaker: Cory Anderson Executive Vice President- Winthrop Rockefeller ... worked to support state-level child advocacy organizations. In addition to working for the Annie E. ...
2016 Corn College- Greenville, OH
Production-Perception vs. Reality – Dr. Peter Thomison Nitrogen Timing and Needs During Corn Development– Sam Custer ...
Soybean Aphid Prediction for 2015
all. Since 2001-when soybean aphids were first detected in Ohio-we have had aphid outbreaks every ... aphids were not found in the typical northern sections of Ohio, but rather in the central part of the ... state. While it is tough to say if this "officially" broke the every other year pattern, more ...
Using Residual Herbicides in Tilled Soybean Fields
burndown herbicides is – does he still need residual herbicides? The thinking here apparently is that: A) ... more likely to need just one POST application. Omitting residual herbicides pretty much ensures that ... two POST applications will be needed if the field has more than a few giant ragweed. Remember ...
Soybean Planting Date
was delayed due to wet soil conditions across most of the state. For southern Ohio, planting should ... begin after April 15th as conditions permit. In northern Ohio, aim to be in the field near the end of ... Ohio Agronomy Guide, significant yield reductions occur when planting occurs after May 10th and can be ...
Kick – Off Event with OSU EES and FLOW!
Engineering FABE Olentangy clean up Engineering Ohio State ...
Getting corn off to a good start- planting depth can make a difference
Planting depth recommendations for Ohio are 1.5 to 2 inches deep to ensure adequate moisture ... compared with the deeper depth (2.5 inches). Research at Kansas State University (Roozeboom, 2012) that ... Roozeboom, Kraig. 2012. Seeding depth of corn. K-state extension. Agronomy e-update. No.333. Jan. 20, 2012. ...
Time to Evaluate Soybean Stands
The soybean agronomy team is busy travelling across the state conducting stand counts on our field ... from the Ohio Soybean Council, we conducted a seeding rate study at three locations. (At all three ...
How You Can Help the Sun Make Hay When It Shines!
the stored forage. Consider a preservative. Sometimes the rain just comes quicker than we have time ...
NODE Brian Gwin
200 (Wooster) NE Ohio Economic development Betty Alysworth 3715 Tuesday, November 7, 2017- 10:00am ...