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PrecisionAg Big Data Conference: Managing Your Most Elusive Farm Asset is Set for August 25, 2014
Matt Darr, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University Did you know that over ... State University Extension and Outreach, in partnership with national precision ag leaders and Meister ... Media, will hold an Ag Big Data Conference on August 25, 2014 on the Iowa State University (ISU) ...
Yes, this is a repeat: Temperatures are still cool
Soil temperatures from around the state are finally approaching optimum planning but still on the ... the Ohio soybean acres were planted by May 22. Last year, 45% of the soybean acres were planted by ... May 19. However, the state average soybean yield in 2011 was only 1 bushel/acre less compared to ...
Engineer's Week Kickoff Event
140 The College of Engineering is hosting a webcast that they need 40-50 engineering students to ...
Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop- Wauseon
Program will demonstrate MapWindow GIS & MMP Tools, MMP software and Ohio Nutrient Management ...
April will end warmer and wetter than normal. A series of storms will impact Ohio and surrounding ... heaviest will fall in central sections of the corn and soybean belt. Rainfall in Ohio will range from 2-4 ... inches for the next 2 weeks with heaviest totals in western areas of Ohio. Normal is about 2 inches. The ...
Still trying to figure out what to do with dicamba in Xtend soybeans this year?
state. Our assumption is that where it is used, dicamba will be one component of the comprehensive ... necessarily a need for dicamba. One reason for use could be to reduce the selection pressure for resistance ... products in the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois” is that they be applied at least ...
Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week Ending July 21, 2017
Ohio. A total of 68 traps were monitored in 19 counties. Overall, 3451 WBCW adults were captured. The ... bean cutworm adults captured in traps in Ohio. Corn Insects ...
Scab Risk Continues to be Low, but Rain is in the Forecast
Several fields across south-central Ohio reached anthesis over the weekend, and since conditions were ... things may change for fields in the Northern half of the state that are likely to reach anthesis later ... Caramba and Prosaro is 30 days. On average, wheat in Ohio is usually harvested between 40 and 45 days ...
Damping-off is Not Always Caused by Water Molds and Fungi; Insects Can Play a Role Too
Though soil borne pathogens are usually the cause of damping off in Ohio’s poorly drained soils, seedcorn ... may need to replant. Studies suggest seed treatments may reduce or prevent damage from this maggot and ...