
Search results

  1. Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection Webinar Programs

    Nutrients be used to Meet Crop Need? Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist-Agronomic Systems, OSUE   Alternative ...

  2. Handy Bt Trait Table for U.S. corn production updated for 2017

    Dr. Chris DiFonzo at Michigan State University with contributions by Drs. Kelley Tilmon (OSU) and Pat ...

  3. Higher western bean cutworm feeding may lead to mycotoxins

    provides more information on ear molds and mycotoxin contamination: http://www.oardc.ohio-state ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-37

    found, in Ohio, some populations that like to feed on the roots of plants that have the genes from the ... as it should. We have visited some fields in Ohio over the past 3 years where SCN is a major ... too high.  This phenomenon has been observed by both Greg Tylka at Iowa State University and Terry ...

  5. Brenda Metro- Food Engineering Student

    attend the Ohio State University, I knew that the food engineering program in the FABE department would ... educational experience. Coming to OSU from my home state of Pennsylvania and studying food engineering was ...

  6. Sharing the Spaces in Between

    the United States is a story told only in terms of black and white people, as though Latinos are not ...

  7. Frosted Forage Precautions

    prussic acid content before feeding to livestock. Forage with prussic acid potential that is stored as ...

  8. Manure Drag Hose Plot Results Drag hose corn sidedress 2014 Thanks to the Ohio Pork ... Producers, the Ohio Dairy Research Fund, the Ohio Corn Marketing Program, the Ohio Soybean Council, and the ... Ohio Environmental Educational Fund for supporting this research. Corn Fertility Manure ...

  9. Application of Manure to Double Crop Soybeans

    Wheat fields will be harvested in Ohio over the next 10 days and many farmers will plant ...

  10. Reminders about reporting dicamba non-performance or off-target movement

    contact would be the Ohio Department of Agriculture.  Contact the ODA Pesticide and Fertilizer Regulation ...
