
Search results

  1. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    Sources for Transatlantic Collaborative Research Dr. Scott Shearer (Ohio State University) 18.30- 22:00- ... Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech, Spain) Dr. Mark Riley (Arizona State University) 15.30-16.00 Break ... Belgium) Dr. Ajit Srivastava (Michigan State University) 17.00- 17:30 Claus Grøn Sørensen (Aarhus ...

  2. FABE SEMINAR- Climate Change, Extreme Weather, and Impacts on Ohio.

    Climate change, extreme weather, and impacts on Ohio. Presenter: Dr. Aaron Wilson ...

  3. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    state’s corn was silking compared to 16% for the 5-year average. Given the wide range in corn planting ...

  4. Foliar Diseases Already Showing up in Corn

    showing up in some corn fields. Although this a little bit on the early side for Ohio, it is not at all ... about V10 (ten-leaf stage) to VT across the state. With such a wide variation in crop development, if ...

  5. 4-H Life Skills Project Evaluations

    Youth must attend the scheduled evaluations in order to qualify for county and state awards. Dress ...

  6. Ohio Beef Expo ...

  7. Seeking a Twospotted Spider Mite Trial Location

    control in soybean and sweet corn (Agri-Mek SC).  We would like to test this product in Ohio soybeans, and ...

  8. Weed Management Resources

    (searchable with live menu links)- $9.99.  A free basic pdf is available on the OSU Weed Science website ...

  9. Marestail Control in Wheat and Some Other Weed Stuff

    “Problem Weeds” section of the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois”. We have historically ...

  10. Mary A. (Parks) Ives; First Woman Member of ASAE, 1921

    membership is of associate grade, holds a Bachelor's degree in Home Economics from The Ohio State ... household equipment specialist for the Agricultural Engineering Company; Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Ives, whose ...
