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  1. New Books and More

    Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne, 1939- An indigenous peoples' history of the United States  F68.G73 2014 Gragg, Rod ...

  2. Dairy Judging Team

    Congratulations to the OSU Dairy Judging Team (Laura Bond, Colton Harstine, Ella Jackson, and Meghan Sanders) as they finished 2nd in the Jersey breed at the Fort Worth Stock Show in Texas. Ella Jackson was 5th high individual overall, placing in the top ...

  3. Jaeger Lab Current Members

    Unmined and Reclaimed Surface Mined Lands in southeastern Ohio” explores the linkages between ...

  4. TWEL Andrew Vitz Dissertation

    fledgling from nests located in mature forests of southeast Ohio. Forested sites were located either ...

  5. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Territorial Response in Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)

    playback in Columbus, Ohio, just south of the hybrid zone.  I hypothesized that Carolina chickadees would ...

  6. Elevator Pitch Workshop

    Are you unsure about how to introduce yourself at networking events like the Career Expos? Want some help polishing your elevator pitch? Come to this workshop to learn about how to develop an elevator pitch, and get some practice giving your elevator pitc ...

  7. Department of Animal Sciences Evening of Excellence Recognition Social and Progam


  8. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    and collaboratoring agencies in southwestern Ohio. I conclude with personal thoughts and observations ...

  9. The Ohio State University Saddle and Sirloin Judging Contest

    OSU Don Scott Facilities. ...

  10. Earth Day at the Schiermeier Wetland Research Park

    (compliments of our partner Sierra Club).  Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District and the Central Ohio ...
