
Search results

  1. CFAES Student Dreams Big

    Darcy is a senior from Portage, Indiana, majoring in Animal Sciences. She believes "Some ...

  2. SW Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference

    Southwestern Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference Brochure ...

  3. Tri-State Green Industry Conference

    For more details, please click here. ...

  4. Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

    fully. Research in Ohio and other Corn Belt states generally indicates that earlier maturity hybrids lose ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-18

    period here in Ohio is usually relative short, and tends to be even shorter as it gets warmer. Since ... flowering occurred between 10 and 15 days ago in northern Ohio and because we have had warm temperatures ... ability to spray wheat. Double-Cropping Soybeans Following Wheat Authors: Jim Beuerlein Ohio farmers have ...

  6. Foliar Fungicide Application in Field Corn- A 2014 Update

    Corn in Ohio is all over the board in terms of growth and development, ranging from V6 to R2. ... across the state indicate that gray leaf spot is already present on the lower leaves in some areas. The ... spot (GLS), the number one foliar disease of corn in the state, develops best at temperatures between ...

  7. Ohio Weather Outlook for October

    pressure near the central U.S. leaving Ohio and the Ohio Valley in the transition zone for stormy weather.  ... is >80% chance of exceeding 2" of rain in the next two weeks over most of Ohio which is high ... the region from the National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center can be found here:  ...

  8. Lisa and Dan Wampler Provide Endowed Fellowship

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences to establish the Lisa and Dan Wampler Endowed Fellowship for Food and ...

  9. Volunteer with CFAES to Spruce Up a Children's Garden- Columbus, Ohio

    Buckeyes are mobilizing to make April the biggest Month of Service to date all over the country.  There are several volunteer opportunities already listed, and more are added everyday.  The CFAES Alumni Society is organizing a volunteer project at the Hig ...

  10. Rights and Remedies for Protecting Your Water Supply in Ohio Webinar

    Rights and Remedies for Protecting Your Water Supply in Ohio Webinar  is a  discussion of legal ...
