
Search results

  1. State MXC Camp Counselor Training


  2. Seminar, J.C. Jang, Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State

    Tandem zinc finger proteins in plant growth and stress responses. 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolink to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...

  3. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Presentations

    Future Market Demands Presented to CSREES and the joint meeting of the USDA W-1147 and S-202 Multi-State ...

  4. Seminar, John Finer, Professor, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State

    Soybean promoteromics. 121 Fisher (Wooster) videolinked to 244 Kottman (Columbus) ...

  5. Ohio State Fair Livestock Entries Due


  6. Ohio Plant Biotechnology Consortium Annual Meeting

    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Columbus ...

  7. Ohio Achievement Report Form Workshop

    RSVP prior to 4:30 pm on November 28, 2016 by calling our office at 513-887-3722 or email: ...

  8. Ellis publications

    symptoms in commercial vineyards in Ohio.  Journal of Phytopathology 160: 26-36. Rebollar-Alviter, A., ... Midwestern United States.  Phytopathology.  Vol. 100: 345-355. Anco, D.J., Kim, S., Mitchell, T.K., Madden, ... 2008.  Ohio Commercial Tree Fruit Spray Guide.  Bulletin 506-A2 (revised).  OSUE/OSU.  62 pp. Ellis, M. ...

  9. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    history of OSU Extension The event will be held at the Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus ... team photo. Think O-H-I-O, but in a 100 formation. We look forward to highlighting your team. Photos ...

  10. Emerald Ash Borer

    baseball bats. The standing ash timber value in Ohio alone is over $1 billion. Response Because EAB is ... and O Mittapalli, Dept of Entomology; D Cipollini, Wright State; U.S. Forest Service Northeastern ...
