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  1. Living A Marginal Life

    a blog article for her. (The blog is Live Smart Ohio if you’d like to check it out, ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Conference


  3. Pesticide and Fertilizer Trainings

    it to fill out the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) form. Private pesticide applicator ... that after the 2017 year, the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is considering going to a test ...

  4. Pesticide License Testing at OARDC

    OSU Extension Wayne County has set up testing dates with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) ... materials are sent by mail from the Ohio Department of Agriculture when an application for a commercial ...

  5. Small Ruminant Parasite Management

    indicates that in our Ohio climate, these infective larvae can survive for 60 to 90 days so pasture rotation ...

  6. Lambing School

    The Ohio Heartland Sheep Improvement Association (OHSIA) is sponsoring a lambing school on ...

  7. Winter Cereal Rye Cover Crop Termination

    Meeting by Alison Robertson, Iowa State University Extension plant pathologist, on disease management when ...

  8. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    I was at a state meeting yesterday where some interesting research was shared.  In essence Duke ...

  9. Take a Journey in the Outdoors

    a state park or distance destination.  Here are a few ideas that come to my mind and as you read through ... Sciences educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. ...

  10. Should You Use A Nitrogen Inhibitor?

    and Soil Sciences said that: “In order for these new products to be agronomically useful, the producer ...
