
Search results

  1. OSUE Annual Conference

    community partners. Door prizes with amazing gifts. Celebration of the 100-year history of Ohio State ...

  2. Should You Use A Nitrogen Inhibitor?

    and Soil Sciences said that: “In order for these new products to be agronomically useful, the producer ...

  3. Ohio State Fair


  4. Ohio State Fair Horse Registration Deadline


  5. Ohio 4-H Sea Camp

    Check out more information about Sea Camp on the Ohio 4-H website. Counselor Application ...

  6. New 4-H Opportunities Announced

    Every year the Ohio 4-H youth development program revises and releases dozens of new 4-H projects ...

  7. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ... families, youth, farmers, communities, and businesses. The national efforts will be complemented by state ... and local activities. Dr. Bobby Moser is the honorary chair of the Ohio Centennial celebration, and an ...

  8. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ... families, youth, farmers, communities, and businesses. The national efforts will be complemented by state ... and local activities. Dr. Bobby Moser is the honorary chair of the Ohio Centennial celebration, and an ...

  9. Quality Assurance

    PERMITTED to enter or exhibit at the Greene County Junior Fair or the Ohio State Junior Fair. If ... Quality Assurance is an Ohio Department of Agriculture required program that all livestock ...

  10. New And Beginning Shepherds: Management Series

    The Ohio Heartland Sheep Improvement Association (OHSIA) is sponsoring a series of meetings that ...
