
Search results

  1. Strengthening Licking County through Community Cooperation

    Community Cooperation". Newark, Ohio, March 14, 2008. Mark Partridge Conference presentation Friday, ...

  2. Green Energy: How will it Shape Rural American Communities?

    Presented by Mark Partridge at "Ohio Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and ...

  3. United States: Milk Cows and Yield per Cow

    2:[Chart 1] the production per cow for the United States (yield adjusted to reflect 30 day months) and ...

  4. Ohio Fracking 101

    Weinstein Ohio Fracking 101.pptx C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy ...

  5. AEDE's Global Reach

    students during the summer of 2013. From traveling in China and Spain to hosting workshops at home in Ohio ...

  6. Do State-Level Sales Taxes Affect Employment in Border Counties?

    Shawn M. Rohlin, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Kent State University, will present on Apr. 8th in Room 105 of the Agricultural Administration Building (2120 Fyffe Road) as part of the AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. His ...

  7. Agricultural Change by Metropolitan Character in Ohio:1978 to 1997

    non-farm rural residences impact the business of farming and the structure of agriculture in Ohio? Policy ...

  8. Conflict over Cooperation: Why So Much Disagreement over the Proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program?

    the discussion of United States federal dairy policy. DMSP is designed to speed up income over feed ...

  9. Williamson Insurance Agency's Winter Meeting Series- Matthew C. Roberts to Speak

    market update at Napoleon, Ohio's Williamson Insurance Agency's Winter Meeting Series on ...

  10. Changing U.S. Milk Production

    production across the United States. The lowest Class 23 price after the peak in the growth rate for ...
