
Search results

  1. Mershon Center Lecture: "Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political Institutions"

    Humanities and Sciences and the Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution.  In addition, ... he is a professor of political science, professor of history, and professor of economics (by ...

  2. A National Urban Framework for Urban Extension

    A report from the National Urban Extension Leaders explaining the current state of urban Extension ...

  3. Farm Science Review

    Farm Science Review Please visit for more information. ...

  4. Ohio State Fair


  5. Ohio State Fair Jr Horse Shows Begin


  6. Ohio State Fair Livestock Entries Due


  7. Dining with Diabetes-Beyond the Kitchen

    and Consumer Sciences. The course is self-paced and easy to sign is easy! FCS in Greene County offers ...

  8. Presentations

    Principle, Progress and Prospects. Ohio Aquaculture Workshop. February, 2017. Piketon, OH, USA. 5S rRNA ... yellow perch. The Chinese Engineering Science and Technology Forum on “Science and Technology Innovation ... Aquaculture Society Conference. March 2005. New Orleans. Other Conferences Ohio Aquaculture Research and ...

  9. Ohio brewing and hop production FAQ’s

    craft beer annually.   How much money do Ohio brewers spend to purchase hops out-of-state?  At 4 pounds ... What do Ohio brewers produce in a year?  Ten years ago, you could count all the Ohio’s breweries ... per barrel, Ohio breweries require an estimated 4,000,000 pounds of dried hops annually, worth an ...

  10. Horticulture program develops an Integrated Pest Management scouting program for area specialty crop farms

    Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) Sustainable Food Systems area a Specialty Crop Pest Scouting ...
