
Search results

  1. Grazing Corn Residue

    According to a South Dakota State University Extension publication entitled “Grazing Corn Stalks” a crude ... Center with North Dakota State University, has the following suggestions to reduce the risk in these ...

  2. Maintaining or Improving Milk Components

    :// I recently attended the 2018 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference in Fort Wayne IN.  One of the presentations ...

  3. Welcome Back Lunch

    of a new academic year. The lunch will be held in the lobby of the Parker Food Science and Technology ... department of Food Science and Technology. ...

  4. Dairy Cattle Lameness

    claw-lesion treatment” reported on the results of a survey by Iowa State University veterinarian Dr. Jan ... stated that the use of topical medications was cited by 59% of the veterinarians and 53% of the hoof ...

  5. Dicamba Technology 2018 Training Requirement

    training, and have proof that they did so.  Details are still being worked out on this training for Ohio ...

  6. 4-H Camps Open To All Wayne County Youth

    attend Junior Camp at 4-H Camp Ohio in Louisville, Ohio.  There are dozens of fun activities to do at ...

  7. Canning QA

    the state of ripeness, overprocessing or copper or iron pans.  Packing liquid may dissolve coloring ...

  8. On-farm Solar Energy Program Offered

    offering a program that will provide participants with an overview of Ohio’s renewable energy and net ...

  9. Pipeline Easement Information Meeting

    contain. Speakers: Dale Arnold, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, and Attorney Chris Finney, of  Logee, ...

  10. An Apple a Day...

    is the best to use, ask or check out the chart at Ohio Apples ... (  When selecting your apples, remember that their flavor is best when they are at the peak of ...
