
Search results

  1. Ohio Composting Industry Tour

    This year’s Composting in Ohio industry tour in southwest Ohio will focus on managing water. The ... influenza outbreak in Ohio and, if that happens, the possible need to compost thousands or even millions of ... sponsors are the college’s Ohio Composting and Manure Management Program and the Organics Recycling ...

  2. State 4-H Achievement Award Banquet


  3. Profile- Herms

    allows PIs to remain focused on science, which greatly improves proposal quality.  The service provided ...

  4. Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Day

    The Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Technology Day will offer farmers and crop consultants a chance to ... hours of Ohio Certified Livestock Manager credits and three hours of Agricultural Fertilization ... Certification training to comply with Ohio’s new agricultural fertilization law, which requires farmers who ...

  5. Ohio 4-H LGBTQ+ Summit

    Professional Development Day: April 27, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., for 4-H-affiliated adults including post-high school participants, 4-H professionals, parents and volunteers. April 27 registration: $50 for adults, $10 for currently enrolled college student ...

  6. Ohio and West Virginia Food Hub Network Meeting: Growing Growers

    See flier for more info. ...

  7. Northeast Ohio Small Farm Conference and Trade Show

    Spend a day in Massillon networking with your peers, attending targeted educational sessions and visiting vendors displaying the latest products and services for small farms. Join OSU Extension educators and industry specialists as they teach a variety of ...

  8. Ohio Community Wildlife Cooperative Conference

    Join Ohio community leaders and planners for a one-day conference focused on the role of local ... management in city ponds Wildlife diseases Ohio tourism: letting wildlife work for you Informed consent ...

  9. Ohio Hops and Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show

    malt sugars in their product. As more Ohio-based craft brewers seek to procure hops grown locally, ... profitable How brewers select their hops Managing diseases in the hops yard Collaborative marketing- Ohio ... barley diseases and management strategies Malt facilities and markets in Ohio Something new to the ...

  10. North American Manure Expo

    demonstration event. The event has been hosted by Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Iowa, ...
