
Search results

  1. Drying Foods at Home

    Shannon Carter, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To register, call the OSU Extension office at ...

  2. Drying Foods at Home

    Shannon Carter, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To register, call the OSU Extension office at ...

  3. Grill Smart; Hands-on Learning the Science of Great Grilling

    Ever wondered what actually happened and why, when sometimes that great looking piece of meat comes off your grill and it's perfect, but, other times it's just not so good? If so, this 4 hour, hands-on class is for you! During this class you wil ...

  4. Grill Smart; Hands-on Learning the Science of Great Grilling

    Ever wondered what actually happened and why, when sometimes that great looking piece of meat comes off your grill and it's perfect, but, other times it's just not so good? If so, this 4 hour, hands-on class is for you! During this class you wil ...

  5. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Presented by Shannon Carter, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To register, call the OSU Extension ...

  6. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Presented by Shannon Carter, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To register, call the OSU Extension ...

  7. Deadline to Register for Mindful Extension Series

    WHAT IS MINDFUL EXTENSION? Developed by Maryanna Klatt, PhD at the Ohio State University College ...

  8. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    pressure canning method.  Presented by Shannon Carter, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To ...

  9. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    pressure canning method.  Presented by Shannon Carter, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To ...

  10. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    pressure canning method.  Presented by Shannon Carter, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To ...
