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National Perspectives-Maps
in the lower 48 states, comprised of 1,080 counties. MSAs are geographic areas that consist of the ... populations at a 30” by 30” resolution (approximately 0.69 square km in the lower 48 states), which is the ...
RSA Travel Award
participants will be driving to Columbus, Ohio for CRAE. Recipients will be awarded an amount to cover the cost ...
2015 Northeast Ohio Grape Field Day
Thursday August 27, 2015 FLIER Stop 1: Strategies for Managing Winter Injured Vines- Ferrente Winery- Dr. Imed Dami Stop 2: Strategies for Managing Winter Injured Vines- M Cellars- Matt Meineke Stop 3: Picnic Dinner- Kosicek Vineyards- $5/person ...
Ohio Superberry & Winegrape Field Night
Flier: Learn the basics on these topics: Eldeberry, Aronia Berry, and Goji Berry Production and Marketing Blueberry Cultivars and Production Techniques Summer and Fall Vineyard Management Practices Blackberry & Raspberry Production Systems Introductio ...
Farm Income Enhancement Program
Ohio State researcher to study spiders, insects in vacant lots
“Insects are a really valuable indicator of environmental change,” said Dr. Mary Gardiner.“If you change something different — apply a chemical or there is some kind of toxin introduced into an environment or there’s a forest fire — insects are one of the ...
Ohio Wine Competition Results
2014 Previous Years Results 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 ...
THE 2010 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY USED FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SURVEY: U.S. Farmers’ Attitudes and Opinions about Sales via Auction, Dealer, Classified Ad and the Internet
Ohio Dairy Producers Association Fall Meeting- Cam Thraen to Speak