
Search results

  1. Check out Padcaster!

    Check out this great new tool for making videos on your iPad! ...

  2. Ask ITsy

    Have a question about the CFAES IT Transformation and how it will affect the Wooster Campus? Ask ITsy! Dear ITsy, I keep hearing that we are now going to get "OCIO services." I don't even know what that means. I just want my stuff to work. ...

  3. FAES- ATI Outlook calendar of events

    If you are not aware, we have an outlook calendar for FAES-ATI Events.   ...

  4. New 4-H Advisor Orientation

    Advisors must be screened Ohio 4-H Volunteers. This process takes several steps. One of which is to attend ...

  5. Gazebo Garden

    of the Eastern redbud, was cultivated by Ohio State horticulture alumni, Tim Brotzman. It is ...

  6. Wednesday produce sale

    Fresh produce available from the ATI greenhouses today. ...

  7. Central Ohio Hops Workshop

    Come learn from a hops specialist, brewmaster and hops grower. Learn how hops are grown and marketed in a discussion led by Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension Horticulture Specialist, at the North High Brewing Company. During this workshop there will be a tour ...

  8. CFAES documents approved by Office of Academic Affairs

    Submitted by Kris Boone, CFAES Patterns of Administration (POA) and Appointments, Promotions and Tenure (APT) documents have received final approval and are posted on the Office of Academic Affairs website. ...

  9. Support the fight against cancer

    Submitted by Jeanne Osborne, You've seen the message from Dean Kress about Pelotonia- the bike ride to raise money to fight cancer- and Team Buckeye- CFAES Sustains Life; and maybe you have wondered, 'how can I get involved?&# ...

  10. Ohio Beef Expo

    More information can be found here. ...
