
Search results

  1. Summer Grafting Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This ​workshop ​will ​cover ​summer ​grafting ​of ​tree ​species.  ...

  2. Summer Weed ID Class- Wooster, Ohio

    Not sure if it is a good plant or a bad plant? Come to the summer weed ID class and find out!  ...

  3. Intro to Macro Photography- Wooster, Ohio

    Join Danae Wolfe, OSU Extension Educational Technology Specialist for a hands-on introduction to macro photography, including field sessions and photo critiques.  ...

  4. Propagation Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This workshop is designed to teach cutting propagation techniques for woody plants. ...

  5. New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster

    current levels easily and cost-effectively. Chris Spiese  of Ohio Northern University (ONU) is working on ... phosphorus, and most of it comes from agricultural runoff. Funded by  Ohio Sea Grant,  Spiese and ... phosphate." Once the protocol is perfected and published, Spiese will provide it to Ohio EPA for further ...

  6. Winter Weed ID Class- Wooster, Ohio

    Not sure if it is a good plant or a bad plant? Come to the winter weed ID class at Secrest Arborteum and find out! ...

  7. Carving New Ideas leadership camp at 4-H Camp Ohio

    Carving New Ideas is located at 4-H Camp Ohio. If you have any questions contact Danielle Coleman ...

  8. Horticulture and Crop Science

    Turfgrass Science England Summer 2014 This program allows students to explore the variances and see how ...

  9. Volunteer with CFAES to Spruce Up a Children's Garden- Columbus, Ohio

    Buckeyes are mobilizing to make April the biggest Month of Service to date all over the country.  There are several volunteer opportunities already listed, and more are added everyday.  The CFAES Alumni Society is organizing a volunteer project at the Hig ...

  10. Food for Thought: An Open Discussion on Food Animal Production- Columbus, Ohio

    Pet lover? Vegan? Scientist? Meat enthusiast? Environmentalist? Farmer? Animal rights activist? Everyone has a perspective. Bring your perspective to the table. Join the Animal Welfare and Behavior Club for a unique panel event featuring 4 experts with di ...
