
Search results

  1. Pat and Bobby Moser Scholars Ultimate Ice Cream Social

    On Friday, June 7, 2013, the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences celebrated ...

  2. pH

    ( through the Cooperative Extension System and the Ohio State University Extension. Neutralizing ... Filters Soda ash/sodium hydroxide injection Acid injection WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- ...

  3. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    many gloves are now made,” said Katrina Cornish, Ohio Research Scholar and endowed chair in bioemergent ... guayule trials in southern Ohio. Aim: Developing a new domestic rubber- and latex-producing crop, and with ...

  4. Mental Models

    Addressing Non-Point Source Pollution in Ohio". Robyn Wilson (OSU) explains how mental models research ...

  5. Mahoning 4-H Community Open House- Canfield, Ohio

    The 4-H open house is an evening full of information about 4-H and how to get involved.  4-H provides many opportunities for community service and leadership through livestock projects, cooking, sewing, robotics and many more. Participants will be able to ...

  6. Franklin County 4-H Winter Project Fair- Columbus, Ohio

    Join 4-H educators, volunteers, and youth as they exhibit their 4-H projects, answer questions about their experiences in Franklin County 4-H, and display their passion for the 4-H program. ...

  7. Manganese

    12_ 300 higher values in eastern Ohio aquifers Erosion of earth materials TREATMENT OPTIONS The most ... a cation-exchange water softener system. WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- Private Water Systems Program- ...

  8. 10th Annual Stinner Summit

    the 10th Annual Stinner Summit at the  Stratford Ecological Center  in Delaware, Ohio on October 14th, ...

  9. Institute for Chinese Studies Lecture: "The Impact of China’s Timber Deficit on Forest Ecosystems and the Possible Solutions through Policies and Management"- Columbus, Ohio

    Roger A. Williams, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosystem Analysis & Management, at SENR will discuss the impact of China's forest management challenges and strategies.  This lecture is free and open to the public.  ...

  10. Scarlet & Grapes: Wine Tasting at CLE Urban Winery- Cleveland Heights, Ohio

    The Alumni Association is hosting a wine tasting at CLE Urban Winery.  ...
