
Search results

  1. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    The OSU Climate Change webinar will be on Exploring Snowfall in the United States with Daria ... communities, from road maintenance to water resources management. Snowfall data collected in the United States ... a changing global climate. This webinar will: explore snowfall trends in the United States and the Great ...

  2. Finding and Applying for Summer STEM Research Programs

    multitudes of national and international research opportunities for students in the STEM (Science ...

  3. A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Hydraulic Fracking Policy

    Arnold, Assistant Professor of Environment Policy, Department of Political Science, University of ...

  4. Soil Microbial Ecology Associated with Disease Control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cucumerinum in Cucumis sativus Cultivation Following Soil Fumigation with Anhydrous Ammonia in China

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Joshua Kendall, PhD Candidate in Soil Science, on ...

  5. Short-term effects of cover cropping on the quality of a Typic Argiaquolls in Central Ohio

    Argiaquolls in Central Ohio. Catena 131:125-129. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  6. Managing Wildlife Conflict Around Your Home-Ohio Woodlands Stewards

    While the growth of cities and suburban areas can displace some wildlife, many species actually thrive in these areas. Viewing these species as they travel through your backyard can be enjoyable, but sometimes conflict arises—usually in the form of eaten ...

  7. Level 2 Food Safety Exam- Canceled

    The Ohio Department of Health is now requiring all Food Service facilities licensed at a Risk ...

  8. Conservation Ecology in an African Biodiversity "Hotspot"

    efforts to foster conservation. But the pursuit of field-based science also is not without its ...

  9. Bloch Cancer Survivors' Plaza

    and innovative treatments that have become signatures of the world-renowned Ohio State University ... with the Blochs; Mayor Greg Lashutka, Ohio's First Lady Janet Voinovich, OSU President E. Gordon ...

  10. Multicolored Asian lady beetle

    introduction was deemed unsuccessful. However, it was reintroduced in the eastern United States in the late ...
