
Search results

  1. CHAIRE Guest Speaker Presentation: Wouter Stellaard on "Zoo Animal Behavior and Training"- Columbus, Ohio

    Wouter Stellaard, Animal Programs Training Director at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, will talk about zoo animal behavior and training.  This event is hosted by the undergraduate student arm of CHAIRE, the Human-Animal Interactions Club.  More information ...

  2. An Apple a Day...

    is the best to use, ask or check out the chart at Ohio Apples ... (  When selecting your apples, remember that their flavor is best when they are at the peak of ...

  3. Communities that Rock! NACDEP Conference coming to Cleveland!!!

    (#nacdep18). June 10-13 we will be hosting over 250 Extension professionals in Cleveland, Ohio. And in the ...

  4. OSUE Annual Conference

    community partners. Door prizes with amazing gifts. Celebration of the 100-year history of Ohio State ...

  5. Dicamba Technology 2018 Training Requirement

    training, and have proof that they did so.  Details are still being worked out on this training for Ohio ...

  6. EPN Breakfast: Justice, Equity, Inclusion, Diversity in the Environmental Movement- Columbus, Ohio

    Our natural resources are strengthened through diversity, our organizations and partnerships, too, demonstrate strength through diversity and inclusion. Despite this understanding, research shows that many environmental NGOs, foundations, governmental age ...

  7. Columbus Green Drinks- Columbus, ohio

    Green Drinks is a casual, monthly networking event for anyone. Some attendees work in the environmental industry, most practice sustainable lifestyles and all are “green curious.” Everyone comes for different reasons because everyone is invited. Please jo ...

  8. Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting

    The annual Mid-Ohio Growers meeting is scheduled for January 14-15at the Buckeye Event Center in ...

  9. Ohio Land Exchange teaching communities how to reuse abandoned land

    Ohio Land Exchange Workshop and for more information about the program, click here. The workshop packet ...

  10. A Minute for Mindfulness

      Melinda Hill is an OSU Extension Family & Consumer Sciences educator and may be reached at ...
