
Search results

  1. The Effect of Rural Zoning on the Allocation of Land Use in Ohio

    uses data on land use for 88 counties in Ohio. By Lawrence Libby Policy brief Wednesday, August 1, 2001 ...

  2. Precision Farming and Land Leasing Practices

    paper discusses attributes of cash and share leases, the two primary lease types employed in Ohio ...

  3. Maps

    As a byproduct of the Exurban Change Project Ohio maps at varying geographic scales are available. ... geographic scales.  Detailed township maps are also available for all Ohio townships. All maps are available ...

  4. Datasets

    all townships in Ohio, geographic ID and County FIPS ID. (Data sets are available in Microsoft Excel ...

  5. Ohio Association of Meat Processors Convention

    The OAMP Convention will be held at the Marriott Columbus Airport March 20-22. For more information, visit their website. ...

  6. Lecture Series

    Development), Iowa State University.  Supply Impacts of Ethanol in Market Equilibrium.   ...

  7. Community Collaboration in Farmland Preservation: How Local Advisory Groups Plan

    in Ohio. Analysis of plan documents, combined with task force member interviews, reveal patterns of ...

  8. National Perspectives-Maps

    in the lower 48 states, comprised of 1,080 counties. MSAs are geographic areas that consist of the ... populations at a 30” by 30” resolution (approximately 0.69 square km in the lower 48 states), which is the ...

  9. RSA Travel Award

    participants will be driving to Columbus, Ohio for CRAE. Recipients will be awarded an amount to cover the cost ...

  10. 2015 Northeast Ohio Grape Field Day

    Thursday August 27, 2015    FLIER Stop 1: Strategies for Managing Winter Injured Vines- Ferrente Winery- Dr. Imed Dami Stop 2:  Strategies for Managing Winter Injured Vines- M Cellars- Matt Meineke Stop 3:  Picnic Dinner- Kosicek Vineyards- $5/person      ...
