
Search results

  1. Managing Risk for Bt Resistant Rootworms

    the risk of resistance development in Ohio remains low. The most important recommendation is rotation: ...

  2. The XtendiMax Label for Xtend Soybeans

    less than 4 inches tall at time of POST application. The label states that Monsanto will not warrant ...

  3. Trapped and Distorted Wheat Head

    Wheat is now beginning to head-out in some parts of the state, but the heading process this year ...

  4. Western Bean Cutworm Flight is Increasing

    bean cutworm activity are in NW and NE Ohio. Based on these counts, we would recommend growers scout ...

  5. Cressleaf Groundsel in Wheat and Hay

    groundsel.  Historically, no confirmed cases of poisoning by S. glabellus have been reported by the Ohio ...

  6. Ohio Senate to Consider “Purple Paint Law” for Trespassing

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Pipelines, Property, and You: What Ohio Property Owners Impacted by Pipeline Projects Should Know

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  8. Early-May Wheat Disease Update

    The wheat crop in Ohio is now at or just past Feekes 8 (flag leaf emergence), the growth stage at ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-13

    Pierce Paul, Ron Hammond Corn planting is nearing completion in Ohio. Across the state and within ... week on slugs causing significant feeding injury requiring treatment with molluscicide baits in Ohio ... counterpart at Penn State several years ago).-No seed present. May be due to planter malfunction or bird or ...

  10. Fungicide Applications Depend on Soybean Growth Stages and Presence of Disease

    applications on soybean in Ohio.  There are several factors that I have found in the past that can influence ... spot.  Sclerotinia is not in every field in Ohio; we are targeting historic fields that were planted with ...
