
Search results

  1. Alumni Spotlight: Marilyn and John Miller

    Technology) of Dublin, Ohio, seen here with his wife, Marilyn, in recognition of their continued service and ...

  2. Science Smorgasbord Workshop

    Franklin County Teachers and Afterschool Personnel. Free, includes materials; application process. ...

  3. Two new lecture funds honor CFAES retirees

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and supports an annual lecture. The Keith L. Smith ...

  4. College Alumni Profile: Chad Endsley

    Chad Endsley, general counsel for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and a CFAES graduate, explains ...  Click here to give to the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Endowment Fund. ...

  5. We Want to Hear from You!

    The Columbus Dispatch recently wrote an article about how incoming freshman are matched as roommates.  ...

  6. Little I

    14 for all competitions on the Saddle and Sirloin billboard on the first floor of Animal Sciences ...

  7. Teaching and Learning

    that address issues of critical importance in the state of Ohio, US, and beyond.  Goals Improve ... target Ohio’s underrepresented, non-college-access populations to keep them in school through graduation; ... (2006) stated that the Professional and Organization Development Network in Higher Education (POD) was ...

  8. On-line Tick Course now available

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Developed by Needham and Denise Ellsworth, director of the Department ...

  9. A better tool in the toolbox: New project will bolster Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Ohio's fresh surface water, with use of phosphorus fertilizer on farmland as a contributing factor. To ... Service Ohio Phosphorus (P) Risk Index to better predict the risk of phosphorus moving off farm fields.  ... million USDA Conservation Innovation Grant and $1 million in matching donations from Ohio agribusinesses ...

  10. A Day in the Woods: Breeding Birds- McArthur, Ohio

    Start the day exploring the Vinton Furnace for songbirds. Learn about identifying birds by song, breeding bird ecology and the important role breeding birds play. Registration is $12.  Contact Dave Apsley for more info at ...
