
Search results

  1. Fungicide Applications Depend on Soybean Growth Stages and Presence of Disease

    applications on soybean in Ohio.  There are several factors that I have found in the past that can influence ... spot.  Sclerotinia is not in every field in Ohio; we are targeting historic fields that were planted with ...

  2. Ohio Cane-Fruit Pruning Workshop


  3. Fungicide Options for Soybeans

    2015.  Here are a few guidelines, results from our studies in Ohio that point to the best return on ... trials in northeast Ohio.  If you are also going after weed escapes, this may also be a tool to consider. ...

  4. WILD about Freshwater Mussels?

    Ridged pocketbook. Rayed Bean. Northern Riffleshell. The names of Ohio’s freshwater mussels are as ... enthusiasts at a workshop focusing on these amazing and greatly diverse creatures in Ohio! Workshop location:  ...

  5. Diplodia Ear Rot

    Diplodia ear rot. This is one of the most common ear diseases of corn in Ohio. It is caused by two species ...

  6. Mild winter, Pathogen Survival, and Early Disease Development

    fields across the state. This is not uncommon, but the fact that these diseases are already being ...

  7. Five Tips to Reduce Spray Drift

    Spray drift accounts for about half of all non-compliance cases investigated by the Ohio Department of ...

  8. Make Hay When the Sun Shines…What Sun?

    development and growth of our forage crops, in central Ohio forage grasses are entering or already well into ...

  9. Corn Flea Beetle and Stewart's Leaf Blight Prediction

    February.  This winter we find that all areas of the state have indexes less than 90 suggesting that the risk ...

  10. Western Reserve Land Conservancy

    people of the North Central Ohio Lake Erie Watersheds to conserve in perpetuity the natural resources and ...
