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Bucks win tractor: Finalists for Excellence in Agriculture award
a professional as well.” Read the press release here, and watch the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation’s video interview ...
We Want to Hear from You!
Share with us your new year's resolution. What can make you stick to something more than sharing it with the entire CFAES community?! ...
Environmental Professionals Network movie screening: Green FireFire- Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time
Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time in the Ohio Union US Bank Conference Theater. Joining us for a post ...
Concerns About Aflatoxin in Corn
There have been a few reports of Aspergillus ear rot in corn in some parts of Ohio (P. Paul) > ...
You're Invited: Ohio State ATI Scholarship Tournament Golf Outing
All alumni are welcome to gather for a day of golf at Hawk’s Nest Golf Course on Thursday July 21, 2016. It will be a four-person scramble format with a shotgun start at 9:30 am. ...
Support the Graduate Students at the Wooster Plant and Art Sale
Saturday, May 2, 2015 9:00 am- 3:00 pm Location: Fisher Auditorium, Ohio Agricultural Research ...
Donald Gillis
Wooster, Ohio Ostrowski LE, Yin W, Rogers TD, Busalacchi KB, Chua M, O’Neal WK, Grubb BR Conditional ...
Asiatic Garden Beetle Could be Cause for Concern for Northern Ohio Corn
losses in corn in northern Ohio just below Lake Erie, said Ron Hammond, who also has an appointment with ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Growers who planted corn following soybeans in ... knowing that the pests are in some soils,” Hammond said. “If you’re in northern Ohio and have had ...
Scholarship Memories
Amanda Teague received her BS in agricultural education in 2002. She shared what a scholarship meant to her OSU experience. ...
Spring Symposium, First-Yr Graduate Student Proposals
Bangladesh and Ohio, USA and integrated management of white mold of oil-seed mustard Loic Deblais (PhD, ... soybean fields across Ohio Krystel Navarro (PhD, advisor CG Taylor) Examining the use of Harpin proteins ...