
Search results

  1. 2nd Edition Cover Crops Guide Released- Options To Explore Valuable Cover Crops Information

    or product code ID-433.  Writers in the publication are from The Ohio State University Extension, ... herbicide carryover, manure and bio solids applications, and crop insurance issues. Four states have been ... Purdue University and Michigan State University.     Also available from the Midwest Cover Crops Council ...

  2. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    herbicides on our Youtube site (search for “Ohio State University weed science”), or at this link: ... While a variety of rainfall and soil moisture conditions can be found around Ohio, a shortage of ... herbicide description section of the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois”.- Most premixes or ...

  3. ATI awarded U.S. Department of Education grant

    Ohio State ATI has received a five-year, $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s ...

  4. June Small Grains Field Days

    the state. The three days cover a variety of production issues, nutrient management practices, and ... tolerance, minimum wheat stand, wheat fertility, Wheat disease identification and management and Ohio Wheat ...

  5. NW Ohio Precision Ag Day and Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    corn, soybeans and wheat are encouraged to attend the Tuesday, August 4th Northwest Ohio Precision Ag ... encouraged to attend the Tuesday, August 4th Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Technology Day at Fulton Co ... will qualify as a full, 3 hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training to comply with Ohio Senate ...

  6. Pi Alpha Xi Poinsettia Sale- Columbus, Ohio

    Pi Alpha Xi, the horticulture and floraculture honor society, holds an annual Poinsettia Sale.  This is a great place to pick up poinsettias (they have many sizes) as well as door swags, holly berry bunches, holiday containers and other festive items.  Pr ...

  7. Small Food Processors Workshop- Cleveland, Ohio

    This one-day course is a hands-on opportunity for processors to develop their food safety documentation in small groups with individual coaching from instructors. ...

  8. Small Food Processors Workshop- Bowling Green, Ohio

    This one-day course is a hands-on opportunity for processors to develop their food safety documentation in small groups with individual coaching from instructors. ...

  9. Small Food Processor Workshop- Athens, Ohio

    This one-day course is a hands-on opportunity for processors to develop their food safety documentation in small groups with individual coaching from instructors. ...

  10. Small Food Processor Workshop- Columbus, Ohio

    This one-day course is a hands-on opportunity for processors to develop their food safety documentation in small groups with individual coaching from instructors. ...
