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Summer-time weather pattern in full swing.
this spring, there is no change, all indications are a warmer and somewhat drier July for Ohio. The ... areas (including Ohio) will last into July. Weather ...
Northern Ohio Hay Production Day
Topics to be covered include Alfalfa stand establishment, fertility/foliar fertilizers, alfalfa varieties, cutting management, weed and pest management, forage quality and marketing, and the use of cover crops and annuals for double cropping forages. The ...
Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure
ongoing in Ohio for several years. There is usually a window of time, typically around the last week of ... have rarely shown any difference in yields. Some Ohio commercial dragline operators are routinely ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-09
Date Matters Factors to Consider When Planting Soybeans and Corn in 2011 Getting Reacquainted with Ohio ... delaying soybean planting beyond early May in Nebraska have also been documented in other states ... and July in Ohio. 9. Opportunity to grow later maturity soybeans. 10. Most favorable ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-34
pattern of drydown. Past Ohio research evaluating corn drydown provides insight on effects of weather ... be considered for additional grazing or forage value. Based on surveys from several Northwest Ohio ... a corn-soybeans rotation and with minimal effort or expense. According to the Ohio Agronomy Guide, rye is most ...
Fields are starting to turn a golden yellow – last chance to grab some data
The forcast is now turning more fall like and many fields in the state are turning that golden ... stem rot – It is very noticeable now in many areas of the state this year. Note those fields and ... harvest. It is always good to know your SCN numbers, To quote Greg Tylka from Iowa State “it is much easier ...
North American Manure Expo
demonstration event. The event has been hosted by Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Iowa, ...
New Website Layout
our events page as there are a lot of programs scheduled this winter around the state. For feedback ...
Ohio Hops and Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show
malt sugars in their product. As more Ohio-based craft brewers seek to procure hops grown locally, ... profitable How brewers select their hops Managing diseases in the hops yard Collaborative marketing- Ohio ... barley diseases and management strategies Malt facilities and markets in Ohio Something new to the ...
Wind Damage in Corn- “Green Snap” and Root Lodging
tissues at the nodes. Although we encounter green snap problems periodically in Ohio, it's usually ...