
Search results

  1. Co-Producer Interest

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Recognition Banquet. The position of Co-Producer is of great importance ...

  2. Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    ***This workshop is currently full*** The Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series is an intensive ...

  3. Endeavor Center Information

    management guidance, networking, and shared services to entrepreneurs in south central Ohio. This Small ...

  4. Horticulture and Crop Science

    Turfgrass Science England Summer 2014 This program allows students to explore the variances and see how ...

  5. A Super Time for Super Berries

    raspberries.  With growing interest in super foods by the general public, growers in Ohio might find super ... the Ohio Department of Agriculture and the USDA to work on new and existing super berries.  We planted ... purchased some Aronia berry Chinese goji berry plants.  We would like to thank the Ohio Department of ...

  6. College Alumni Awards Luncheon / Society Board Meeting

    Ohio Union ...

  7. Mahoning 4-H Community Open House- Canfield, Ohio

    The 4-H open house is an evening full of information about 4-H and how to get involved.  4-H provides many opportunities for community service and leadership through livestock projects, cooking, sewing, robotics and many more. Participants will be able to ...

  8. Fall Scholarship Dinner

    Ohio Union ...

  9. Franklin County 4-H Winter Project Fair- Columbus, Ohio

    Join 4-H educators, volunteers, and youth as they exhibit their 4-H projects, answer questions about their experiences in Franklin County 4-H, and display their passion for the 4-H program. ...

  10. Aquaculture Research Recently Received two Grant Awards

    NOAA-Sea Grant (Ohio) for developing superior neomale broodstocks and genetically fast-growing monosex ...
