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Coshocton and Muskingum Counties Agronomy School
Some of the topics of discussion will include: Agronomic Pathogens in Eastern Ohio: Threats and ...
Weather Outlook
Ohio crops. All indications are with wetness setting in during fall, the frost and freeze season will ... likely be later than normal. For the latest rainfall 16-day rainfall outlooks from NOAA Ohio River ...
Side- Wall and Pinch Row Compaction
place. Today, many central-fill planters operate in Ohio with some carrying fertilizer tanks mounted at ...
Cold Hardiness of Grape Varieties/Selections on 31 March 2016. Wooster
A cold front will be moving to Ohio over the weekend and low temperatures are predicted to drop ...
Grape Flea Beetle
of grapes in Ohio. It is dark metallic greenish-blue or steel-blue and about 3/16-inch long. The most ...
Conservation Tillage Conference Provides Answers
Center at Ohio Northern University will once again be the location were about 60 presenters, several ... Ohio. A general session, Corn University, cover crops and manure, precision fertility, along with ...
NW Ohio Corn-Soybean Day
Topics include Palmer Amaranth, dicamba tolerant beans, new soybean traits (Loux); Economic Impact of Swine Expansion on Soybean Market (Ruff); Right Placement of Nutrients & Pesticide (Fulton); Rotation & Cover Crops Impact on NM (Nafziger); Phyt ...
West Ohio Agronomy Day (Evening Program)
Program includes a range of topics on current agronomic topics plus credit offered for both pesticide and fertilizer recertification. Supper and Marketing Update at 5:00pm Program begins at 5:30p; ends at 11:00pm Private Pesticide Applicator Recertificati ...
Seed treatments for watermolds and fungi are essential for Ohio’s poorly drained soils
Much of Ohio’s soybean production ground is on soils with poor to fair drainage, high clay ... recovered from all of Ohio soils and this is favored by warmer temperatures and wet soils. True fungi, ... a small portion of the total grain crop pathogen complex that Ohio farmers must deal with on an annual ...
Grape Growing
"Midwest Grape Production Guide" is a MUST HAVE and highly recommended for grape growers in Ohio and ...