
Search results

  1. Youth Scientist Curriculum Adult Education Class- day 1

    curriculum as well as a teaching kit to get started! Registration is open until July 31st on the Ohio ...

  2. TWEL Luke DeGroote Thesis

    Ohio. I found that 36.3% of Magnolia Warblers, 12.7% of Yellow Warblers, and 58.3% of Yellow-rumped ...

  3. TWEL Ian Ausprey Thesis

    Ohio, USA. The two species respond differently to urbanization; cardinals are "urban adapters" ...

  4. Graduate Exit Seminar

    (Empidonax virescens) in Urbanizing Landscapes of Ohio, USA. Among environmental contaminants hazardous to ... central Ohio, USA during 2011-2012. At each site, I tested mercury levels in samples from river water, ...

  5. TWEL Jennifer Smith-Castro Thesis

    riparian forests in central Ohio. Sites were located in urbanizing landscapes and contained paved and ...

  6. TWEL Kelly Atchison Thesis

    central Ohio. Forest birds were surveyed along a 250 X 40 m transect adjacent to the river 3 times each ...

  7. ENRGP Exit Seminar: Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management

    invasive species. The management of invasive species had largely been carried out by state and federal ...

  8. TWEL Kathi Borgmann Thesis

    m wide along five major waterways (ca. 20-40 m wide) in central Ohio. In July 2001, site width, volume of ...

  9. TWEL Lionel Leston Thesis

    riparian forest sites in central Ohio in the breeding (April- August) and non-breeding (December- February) ...

  10. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Territorial Response in Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)

    playback in Columbus, Ohio, just south of the hybrid zone.  I hypothesized that Carolina chickadees would ...
