
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review 2018 Gwynne Conservation Area Programs and Events


  2. Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters Workshop

    The Ohio State University with support from Greenleaf Advisors, LLC, are launching a workshop and ...

  3. $10 Ohio Local Foods Week Challenge

    You are invited to participate in the $10 Ohio Local Foods Week Challenge August 7-13 is Local ... Foods Week and all Ohioans are encouraged to buy local and participate in the $10 Ohio Local Foods ... growers and producers to enjoy flavorful, safe, local food. Ohio Local Foods week is not only about ...

  4. Wildlife Program Specialist Recognized by Ohio Forestry Association

    and Natural Resources, who was recently recognized by the Ohio Forestry Association, Inc. at their ... annual meeting (February 11-12, 2015) held in Dublin, Ohio. Titchenell was awarded a plaque for her ...

  5. TWEL Sarah Young Thesis

    the United States over the last 50 years. This decline is detrimental to both plant and wildlife ... was administered to 6000 farmers in six counties in Ohio. Results indicate that costs and benefits, ...

  6. SENR Doctoral Student Invited to Attend World Prize Events

    Boniface Massawe, a doctoral student specializing in soil science in the School of Environment and ... of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Massawe also has additional research funds from ...

  7. A Special Avian Seminar

    Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Laboratory                            Ohio Department of Natural Resources, ...

  8. Classroom Spotlight:  Developing Forest Management Strategies

    Science and Management and Forestry and Wildlife. Both are part of the Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife ...

  9. Jim Grossman Public Lecture

    Jim Grossman, PhD, executive director of the American Historical Association, to join our Ohio State ...

  10. College Ready Ohio Film screening

    Want to make an impact on the K-12 education system? Join College Ready Ohio on April 25 at 6 p.m. ...
