
Search results

  1. Cover Crops for Prevented Acres

      A good Extension publication from Penn State that fits Indiana is:   http ...

  2. Bill before Ohio Legislature proposes more funding for plugging abandoned oil and gas wells

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  3. Ohio Department of Agriculture proposes amendments to maple syrup, sorghum, and honey regulations

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  4. Concerns for N Loss in Corn from Recent Storms

    Some parts of Ohio have recently experienced heavy rains, especially the northern part. Producers ... years ago by the University of Minnesota and modified to Ohio conditions has been useful. This system ...

  5. Renewable Energy as a Business Retention & Expansion Tool

    This presentation will teach businesses about net metering and how some Ohio businesses are ... on energy drivers, Ohio SB 221, analyzing a sample payback period for a renewable energy project, and ... reviewing case studies from Ohio businesses. The program will be held at the Marion Chamber of Commerce, 205 ...

  6. When is it Time for a No-till Field to be Tilled?

    more likely to succeed on poorly drained soils (like those in Northwest Ohio) if corn follows soybean ...

  7. Ear development impacted by drought conditions

    Drought and heat adversely affected ear and kernel formation in many Ohio corn fields this year. ...

  8. Ohio's western Lake Erie waters will not be listed as 'impaired'

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  9. We've been slimed-- Slugs impacting corn and soybean crops in Ohio

    The mild and rainy planting season not only delayed getting our crops in, but also favored slug populations to thrive. We have been receiving many calls on slug damage, especially in cover crops that have just been killed. As the cover crop dies down, the ...

  10. Early POST application of preemergence corn and soybean herbicides

    “Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana”.  However, we find that labels can lack enough information on ... Ohio.  Anything that contains metribuzin, flumioxazin (Valor), and sulfentrazone (Authority) cannot be ... Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana” when trying to make a choice for this situation.  ...
