
Search results

  1. Winter Weather Outlook

    a more active pattern yield normal or slightly wetter than normal conditions in Ohio the next 3-4 weeks. ... latest 16-day average rainfall outlook go to the National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center link ...

  2. Improving Yields through Fertility Agronomy Day

    and On‐farm research results. Guest speakers include Dr. Steve Culman, OSU Extension State Fertility ...

  3. Spring Weather Forecast

    Above Above   The latest NOAA/NWS/Ohio River Forecast Center 2-week rainfall outlook is shown below... ...

  4. Oh My Aching Back- Urbana, OH

    Ohio AgrAbility will discuss ways to decrease the risk of a back injury. The topics addressed will be: ...

  5. Early Insect and Slug Concerns

    catches reported by surrounding states.  We have begun to observe some minor feeding on corn, suggesting ...

  6. Senate Bill One Meeting in Putnam County

    Ottawa, Ohio 45875. For more info contact the Putnam SWCD office at 419-523-5159. There is no cost to ...

  7. Reports of Frogeye Leaf spot in southern Ohio:. To spray or not to spray.

    Late reports of frogeye developing on susceptible cultivars in southern Ohio.  So the next ...

  8. Spread of giant ragweed across the North Central Region – results of a CCA survey

    20 years ago or longer in western Ohio, most of Indiana, northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin, ... in northwest Illinois, most of Indiana, and west-central Ohio.  The timing of giant ragweed emergence ... east-central region of the Corn Belt (i.e., Ohio and Indiana) than in other areas.  Difficulty of managing ...

  9. Scholarship Memories

    Amanda Teague received her BS in agricultural education in 2002.  She shared what a scholarship meant to her OSU experience. ...

  10. This Might end up being a Low Foliar Disease Year in Corn

    been warm and dry across most of the state, drastically reducing the spread of these and other foliar ...
