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Should seeding rates be adjusted for delayed corn plantings?
delayed. If planting is delayed until early June, some Ohio data suggests that certain hybrids are more ...
Naked Soybeans in Ohio?
At several meetings and based on a few emails this winter it is very clear that Ohio soybean ... needed in Ohio. These are also the conditions you need if you are not going to treat your seed, so you ...
Weather Outlook Remains Unchanged
this year include the following: (1993/94), 1978/79 and 1962/63. Based on those years in Ohio, corn ...
West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology
specialist in precision ag technology, Ohio Farm Bureau, Integrated Ag Services, and a panel of farmers ...
Diagnostic Workshop for Ohio State University Master Gardener Volunteers
What: Join other MGVs who love to learn and hone your diagnostic skills at the same time! The morning session, "A Review of Insects and Diseases of 2015" will focus on the top pest problems observed in 2015 as well as an update on invasive in ...
Managing Risk for Bt Resistant Rootworms
the risk of resistance development in Ohio remains low. The most important recommendation is rotation: ...
The XtendiMax Label for Xtend Soybeans
less than 4 inches tall at time of POST application. The label states that Monsanto will not warrant ...
Trapped and Distorted Wheat Head
Wheat is now beginning to head-out in some parts of the state, but the heading process this year ...
Western Bean Cutworm Flight is Increasing
bean cutworm activity are in NW and NE Ohio. Based on these counts, we would recommend growers scout ...
Cressleaf Groundsel in Wheat and Hay
groundsel. Historically, no confirmed cases of poisoning by S. glabellus have been reported by the Ohio ...