
Search results

  1. Early Insect and Slug Concerns

    catches reported by surrounding states.  We have begun to observe some minor feeding on corn, suggesting ...

  2. Spread of giant ragweed across the North Central Region – results of a CCA survey

    20 years ago or longer in western Ohio, most of Indiana, northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin, ... in northwest Illinois, most of Indiana, and west-central Ohio.  The timing of giant ragweed emergence ... east-central region of the Corn Belt (i.e., Ohio and Indiana) than in other areas.  Difficulty of managing ...

  3. “Tassel Ears” Sightings in Corn

    Tassel Ears” (Figure 1) are showing up in corn fields around Ohio. Corn is the only major field ...

  4. Ohio Legislature Continues to Consider Two Separate CAUV Bills

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  5. Most farmers willing to take steps to protect water, says study done near lake Erie

    Most farmers in northwest Ohio’s Maumee River watershed, Lake Erie’s largest tributary, are ...

  6. This Might end up being a Low Foliar Disease Year in Corn

    been warm and dry across most of the state, drastically reducing the spread of these and other foliar ...

  7. Have you been slimed? Slug damage reports are coming in

    Numerous locations in Ohio are still reporting slug problems, especially on soybeans. With late ...

  8. Bill before Ohio Legislature proposes more funding for plugging abandoned oil and gas wells

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  9. Ohio Department of Agriculture proposes amendments to maple syrup, sorghum, and honey regulations

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  10. Some reminders about fall herbicide treatments and cover crops

    successfully in the fall on wheat.  Not all labels specifically state approval for fall application to cover ... Note – label states in several places that applying Express with 2,4-D or dicamba actually reduces risk ...
