
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review


  2. Wheat Crop Update: The Crop May be Further Along Than You Think

    The state of the 2014 wheat crop is variable. Some stands look very good while others have several ... condition. In the northern and northwestern portions of the state, some plants have frost damage on the tips ... crop to be behind what is considered to be normal in Ohio at this time of year. The current growth ...

  3. Weather outlook

    freeze occurs in mid April in southern Ohio and closer to late April in northern Ohio. It is not uncommon ...

  4. Victoria Chen wins Emerging Service-Learning and Emerging Community Engagement Awards

    Engineering, Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Greater Linden Development Corporation ...

  5. Late Summer Seeding of Perennial Forages

    completed by mid-August in Northern Ohio and by the end of August in Southern Ohio. These timelines are ... two locations that historically are a little milder than most of Ohio’s winters. The year after ... a mixed alfalfa/grass planting. Consult the 2016 Ohio and Indiana Weed Control Guide and always read the ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-04

    application, we run the risk of losing most of the N (a costly error with existing high N prices). Ohio State ... concentration of N in the soil (additional soil test information). Ohio State University does not recommend this ... treatments, Cruiser 1250 or Poncho 1250. Although data from Ohio and other Midwestern states have shown that ...

  7. Some Options for Organic Producers with Alfalfa Weevil

    number of products available for rescue treatment.  Potential options for Ohio organic producers are ...

  8. AGSYSMT 4580- Precision Agriculture

    far one of the best classes I have taken in the agricultural college and even Ohio State as a whole. ...

  9. Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785

    Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785. Effective disease management requires knowledge of ... the important yield-limiting diseases most likely to occur in Ohio. This bulletin addresses the ... wheat in Ohio. Wheat Disease Small Grain Production ...

  10. 2016 Ohio Grape and Wine Day

    NE Ohio Grape Twilight Tour from 5-8 pm at the Winery at Spring Hill.  ...
