
Search results

  1. Early Season Soybean Damage- Frost, PPO, or Disease?

    I have looked over, air temperature dropped as low as 34°F in northern Ohio on May 16.  Soybean plants ... last week in west central Ohio; however, just the tips of the cotyledons were damaged, so a full ... flumioxazin (Valor) products, which are widely used in the state, along with sulfentrazone (Authority) ...

  2. Ohio No-Till Field Day (Wooster)


  3. Cover Crops and Soil Health Forum to Take Place February 18

    resilience in your farming system. On Feb. 18, locations in every state across the country will host Cover ... Howard G. Buffett, plus a panel discussion with expert farmers, including Dave Brandt from Carroll, Ohio ... to noon EST at the following Ohio locations: Wayne County Administrative Building, 428 West Liberty ...

  4. Modified Relay Intercrop Soybeans in a Twin Row System

    go to the Crop Production for Profit blog at: Modified Relay ...

  5. Reduce the Risk of a Combine Fire

    generated, accounts for the majority of combine fires.  I recently read an article from a Michigan State ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-08 Phytophthora sojae, one of the most common soybean pathogens in Ohio, requires warmer soil ... Insects in Ohio Proven Practices for Getting Your Corn Crop off to a Good Start Authors: Peter Thomison ... of the five-year average. However, keep in mind that rainfall throughout much of the state was near ...

  7. Jefferson County Office

    500 Market St, Suite 512 Steubenville Ohio 43952 740-264-2212 740-264-2039 Visit the Jefferson ...

  8. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day (Miami)

    Agronomy (Soybeans/Small Grains) Purdue University 11:15 Profitable Nutrient Management under Ohio ...

  9. Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in Wheat Small Grain Production Wheat Disease ... coming in from fields in some parts of the state. Some of these fields reportedly have as much as 20% of ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-36 http://www.oardc.ohio-state ... conditions resulting from recent rains, more that 50% of Ohio's corn is still out in the field waiting ... the western part of the state. There are a couple of reasons for goose-necked corn including poor root ...
