
Search results

  1. Information Session for Summer 2019 Program- South Africa: Exotic Animal Behavior

    Have you ever wanted to study while on safari? With this program you could do just that! The goal of this program is to help students learn and exhibit an understanding of exotic animal species behavior and welfare considerations in the context of: 1) var ...

  2. Information Session for May 2019 Program- England: Evolution in Darwin's World and Ours

    Evolution in Darwin’s World and Ours provides an opportunity for students to learn how evolutionary theory relates to all careers and even every-day life. Students studying biology, medicine, history, literature, philosophy, etc. will all be able to relat ...

  3. Information Session for May 2019 Program- England: Evolution in Darwin's World and Ours

    Evolution in Darwin’s World and Ours provides an opportunity for students to learn how evolutionary theory relates to all careers and even every-day life. Students studying biology, medicine, history, literature, philosophy, etc. will all be able to relat ...

  4. Rattan Lal: Early Life and Path to Ohio State


  5. Food Safety Document Development for Small Food Processors Workshop-Dayton, Ohio

    If you are a small scale food producer there is required documentation you will need to complete to be compliant with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This includes documentation of your size exemption as a "qualified facility" and vari ...

  6. GAPs Training-West Salem, Wayne County, Ohio

    An educational course that covers good agricultural practices or GAPs, which helps reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Attending the OSU GAPs class does not equate to being GAPs certified.This is a training for both the Plain community and t ...

  7. Gender Initiative Symposium

    Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Shisler Conference Center ... Conference Hall 1625 Wilson Avenue, Wooster, Ohio 44691 2017 Gender Initiative Symposium Agenda 08:00 a.m.  ...

  8. Spring Horticulture Seminar: Spring Into Action!

    Signing- Native Plants of Ohio by Paul & Melinda Carmichael, $5 per book 9:45am Making Native Plants ...

  9. Food Safety Document Development for Small Food Processors Workshop-Bowling Green, Ohio

    If you are a small scale food producer there is required documentation you will need to complete to be compliant with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This includes documentation of your size exemption as a "qualified facility" and vari ...

  10. Forestry Forum Christmas Tree Sale- Columbus, Ohio

    The Forestry Forum has Christmas trees and wreaths available to purchase.  Funds raised support scholarships and student activities.  Hours and prices listed here.   ...
