
Search results

  1. Proven Production Practices for Increasing Corn Yields and Profits

    drained soils. If planting late (after May 25 in central Ohio) plant corn borer resistant Bt hybrids. ...

  2. Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide?

    risk for scab is moderate on susceptible varieties across most of the state, and will likely decrease ...

  3. Timing Your FY-2004 Milk Income Loss Contract Payments: What you need to know!

    production rate you can do so by downloading the MILC_CALC Microsoft Excel Workbook from my Ohio Dairy Web ...

  4. Late Fall Weed Control in Winter Wheat

    injury or yield loss in our research trials.  Consult labels and the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio and ...

  5. Scout Corn for Western Bean Cutworm and Western Corn Rootworm

    leaf stripping and the potential for silk clipping. Both types of damage on corn are rare for Ohio ...

  6. Controlling Marestail Postemergence in Corn

    corn herbicides in the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana” because of the previous lack of ...

  7. West Ohio Agronomy Day- Fort Loramie

    Main Room Time North Room Registration & Breakfast (hot sandwiches, juice, coffee, rolls) 8:00am– 9:00am Please Note:  Recertification for Private Pesticide Applicator Categories 3, 4, and 5 must be made by appointment. Marketing Update:  Chris Hager ...

  8. The best data of the year is coming in now

    Ohio so take good notes.  Most importantly, be safe and enjoy the harvest. ...

  9. Watch Wheat for Head Scab and Cereal Leaf Beetle

    will continue across central and northern Ohio over the next 7 days, so continue to keep your eyes on ...

  10. Manure Boom Application Field Day July 18th

    field day will be held at the corner of township road 60 and county road 67 near Payne, Ohio. The site ...
