
Search results

  1. SENR faculty research featured in most recent National Wildlife Federation magazine

    magazine. The article highlights Dr. Rodewald’s Ohio research on the impact of honeysuckle invasions on ...

  2. The Current State of the Florida Everglades Ecosystem and its Ongoing Restoration

    present The Current State of the Florida Everglades Ecosystem and its Ongoing Restoration in 333C Kottman ... restored. Much knowledge can be learned from the current state of this system and its ongoing restoration, ...

  3. Maninder Walia's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Maninder Walia, PhD Candidate in Soil Science. Her ...

  4. Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    ***This workshop is currently full*** The Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series is an intensive ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Week


  6. SENR scientists author chapter in newly published book

    Dr. Sullivan, authors include Colden Baxter from Idaho State University, and Rachel Malison at the ...

  7. From Summits to Sustainability-- Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally

    7 PM, April 12, 2017 in the Ohio Union Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom.  From Summits to ...

  8. Professor emeritus publishes new book

    Ross Coomer, (Griffith University, Brisbane), Karen McElrath (Fayetteville State University), and John ...

  9. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--The Ag Law Harvest

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Ohio AgritourismReady Conference

    Come join us to hear from the experts and your peers to gain knowledge you can implement as soon you return to your farm… Learn about: Food & Animals on the Farm: Liability Issues Selling Food at the Farm: Pricing Promotion and Profits Differentiating ...
