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  1. Communiqué September 12, 2012

    templates for each program area at The new versions ... 21st Century Leadership Series These professional development opportunities are open to current ... will be held October 2, 9:30 am to noon at the Great Hall meeting room in Ohio Union will be open to ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-36

    above normal rainfall in much of Ohio. Rainfall was generally 100-200% of normal with normal being 2-3 ... is considerably behind what's normal for Ohio on this calendar date. As of Sunday October 18, ... average. Most Ohio farmers are focusing on completing soybean harvest and wheat planting. Moreover because ...

  3. We Want to Hear from You!

    Homecoming is right around the corner!  Tell us your homecoming memories, and we'll share them with your fellow alumi. ...

  4. Select Hybrids with Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight: How does it work?

    in prevalence and severity in Ohio and across the corn belt. In 2015, it showed up much earlier than ... the four genes.   Field surveys conducted in Ohio during the 1980s and repeated again 20 years later ... (in 2003 and 2004) showed that races 0 and 1 of E. turcicum were the most prevalent in the state ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-33

    than normal resulting in pods that are closer to the ground.  Additionally, some Ohio growers are also ... 2 to 3 bushel per acre loss).  Little can be done to prevent soybeans from shattering, but Iowa State ... (   In 14 years of replicated trials in North Central Ohio on the MRI system, yields have averaged ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-36

    in Ohio. We generally recommend that wheat be planted no later than the third week of October to ... the state suggest that between 75-95% of the wheat was planted within the recommended time (within the ... parts of the state is forcing some producers to consider planting wheat during the last week of October ...

  7. Deciphering preplant dicamba labels and tank mixtures

    a lot of flexibility in tank mix partners. The Clarity label states” “Clarity herbicide may be ...

  8. Pollinator Palooza- Columbus, Ohio

    Celebrate National Pollinator Week during a fun-filled day with hands-on learning opportunities, crafts, food, music and more at this free event on the ScottsMiracle-Gro Community Garden Campus at Franklin Park Conservatory.  This event is free and featur ...

  9. Higher western bean cutworm feeding may lead to mycotoxins

    provides more information on ear molds and mycotoxin contamination: http://www.oardc.ohio-state ...

  10. Still Working on Planting Soybean?

    The majority of the soybean acres in Ohio have been planted.  (According to the USDA National ... soybean acres are not yet planted, with 5.1 million acres of soybean in Ohio, there are still 255,000 ... recommended in the Ohio Agronomy Guide.  According to on-farm trials conducted by the Ag Crops Team, 155,000 ...
