
Search results

  1. Fall 2018 Computer Courses

    Fall continuing education computer courses in Excel, Access, and PowerPoint begin Sept. 7. ...

  2. Highlights from Welcome Days

    Lots of things were happening during Welcome Days! Check out the links below to our Instagram feed.  ...

  3. A Day in the Woods: Breeding Birds- McArthur, Ohio

    Start the day exploring the Vinton Furnace for songbirds. Learn about identifying birds by song, breeding bird ecology and the important role breeding birds play. Registration is $12.  Contact Dave Apsley for more info at ...

  4. Central State University Extension 2018 Minority, Women and Small Farmers Conference

    This informative event is filled with networking, panel discussions, and concurrent sessions that will provide insight on traditional agriculture challenges, urban agriculture opportunities, and barriers facing small and new farmers, women, veterans, soci ...

  5. We Want to Hear from You!

    The Columbus Dispatch recently wrote an article about how incoming freshman are matched as roommates.  ...

  6. Check out Padcaster!

    Check out this great new tool for making videos on your iPad! ...

  7. Ask ITsy

    Have a question about the CFAES IT Transformation and how it will affect the Wooster Campus? Ask ITsy! Dear ITsy, I keep hearing that we are now going to get "OCIO services." I don't even know what that means. I just want my stuff to work. ...

  8. Container Gardening Workshop- Columbus, Ohio

    Join OSU Extension, Franklin County at a Container Garden Workshop on Monday, May 7, at the Reeb Avenue Center Gym. Come learn about different ways to start and maintain your container garden. The workshop is free. No pre-registration is required, just sh ...

  9. Ohio Sheep Day

    Sponsored by Ohio Sheep Improvement Association ...

  10. Farm Science Review

