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Nutrient Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Income Over Nutrient Costs
Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, Ohio State University In this column, ... I periodically use a software program that we developed here at Ohio State (SESAME) to estimate the cost of major ... nutrients required for milk production and break-even prices of feed commodities in Ohio. Results can be ...
Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms
Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, The Ohio State University. Feed markets have ... calculated using market prices of commodities in central Ohio (Table 1). Net energy lactation is currently ... traded or available in central Ohio. In spite of its relative high price ($3.70/bu), corn grain was ...
Making Your Science Accessible
This introductory workshop is designed specifically for researchers, scientists, data analysts and others who want to share their research succinctly with their audiences. Topics included are: Identifying the level of your audiences’ knowledge. Building c ...
DairyPalooza West
can be found at Other Contact: Sherry Smith Animal Sciences Building, Room ...
Hubs will help advance highly promising areas of energy science and engineering from the early stage of ... development (R&D) at United States (U.S.) universities through the following: Administering NEUP R&D ...
Should I Sell My Development Rights?
will be the first in the state of Ohio that will have the opportunity to sell their development rights. ... trust) or to a public entity such as a park district, township, county, state or federal agency. Can ... The Medina County issue will be the first test in Ohio to see if the public is willing to pay their ...
Will You Support Ohio 4-H Today?
You are part of a special 4-H community. As volunteers, alumni, and supporters, you inspire kids to do each and every day. People like you who believe in 4-H are what equips over 156,000 young Ohioans with lifelong skills. ...
ATI awarded U.S. Department of Education grant
Ohio State ATI has received a five-year, $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s ...
Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection
Dr. Joe Ottobre, Associate Professor Department of Animal Sciences Data from DHI summaries of ... Ohio dairy herds indicate that the average estrous (heat) detection rate in Ohio is approximately 45%. ... Thus, Ohio dairy producers are missing 55% of the opportunities to breed cows, or are breeding at the ...
Master of Economics Info Session- Columbus, Ohio
Learn how you can earn a Master of Economics (non thesis) in one year. Register here for the info session. ...