
Search results

  1. Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What is the Fit for Ohio?

    losses from drought events. If Ohio corn yields had been reduced 10% in 2013 due to drought, then the ... economic loss for growers would have exceeded $250 million. Ohio producers have begun using ... Ohio than in the Western Corn Belt, the management practices that maximize grain yield and minimize ...

  2. SW Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference

    Southwestern Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference Brochure ...

  3. Wheat Scab Update: Late-May 2016

    Wheat is now flowering in parts of central Ohio and will continue to flower in more northern ... (, the risk for scab is low in central and northern Ohio for fields flowering at this time (May 23). ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-12

    this Spring Alfalfa Weevil on Alfalfa   NOAA Early May Weather Update Jim Noel The trend in Ohio ... will be pretty good in the coming weeks. The National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center 90-day ... soil moisture models continue to say not too far from normal. Another interesting fact is Ohio is ...

  5. Mahoning 4-H Community Open House- Canfield, Ohio

    The 4-H open house is an evening full of information about 4-H and how to get involved.  4-H provides many opportunities for community service and leadership through livestock projects, cooking, sewing, robotics and many more. Participants will be able to ...

  6. Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Day

    The Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Technology Day will offer farmers and crop consultants a chance to ... hours of Ohio Certified Livestock Manager credits and three hours of Agricultural Fertilization ... Certification training to comply with Ohio’s new agricultural fertilization law, which requires farmers who ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-33

    to harvest soybeans and corn but the fields are very soggy in much of Ohio. The danger of causing ... harvest time, some exciting work is being done at Penn State University with establishment of cover crops ... make the soil much less sensitive to compaction. I assume all of you Ohio farmers are aware of the ...

  8. Ohio Weather Outlook for October

    pressure near the central U.S. leaving Ohio and the Ohio Valley in the transition zone for stormy weather.  ... is >80% chance of exceeding 2" of rain in the next two weeks over most of Ohio which is high ... the region from the National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center can be found here:  ...

  9. Franklin County 4-H Winter Project Fair- Columbus, Ohio

    Join 4-H educators, volunteers, and youth as they exhibit their 4-H projects, answer questions about their experiences in Franklin County 4-H, and display their passion for the 4-H program. ...

  10. Foliar Fungicide Application in Field Corn- A 2014 Update

    Corn in Ohio is all over the board in terms of growth and development, ranging from V6 to R2. ... across the state indicate that gray leaf spot is already present on the lower leaves in some areas. The ... spot (GLS), the number one foliar disease of corn in the state, develops best at temperatures between ...
