
Search results

  1. Increase Forage Production and Boost Profits with Livestock Grazing School

    sponsored by Ohio State University Extension and the Natural Resources Conservation Service, will be held ... September 15, 2010 SARDINIA, Ohio – Increase your profits, improve forage production practices and ... extend your livestock grazing season by attending the upcoming 2010 Southwest Ohio Grazing School in ...

  2. Emerging Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    creating emergence problems in corn and soybeans. Ohio State University Extension agronomists said bouts of ... June 6, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Unfavorable growing conditions throughout parts of Ohio may be ... underground." Thomison said the leafing out problem, though somewhere in Ohio every year, is more pervasive this ...

  3. OSU Extension: Producers Looking to Increase Calf Crop Value Could Turn to Surrogacy

    someone else’s calves instead of your own, an Ohio State University Extension beef expert said.  Producers ... October 16, 2012 PIKETON, Ohio – Looking for a new way to add value to your calf crop? Try raising ...

  4. Stockpiling Pasture for Late Season Grazing

    of the forage being stockpiled.  Research results from a southeastern Ohio location showed that ...

  5. SNAP-Ed offers meal planing classes at Ohio Means Jobs

    Want to eat healthier,  not break the bank  and have some FUN? Join Darcy Becker, SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator, for a series of programs that will give you easy ideas that will help you stretch your food dollar, use simple and tasty cooking techniques and ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Youth Poultry Clinic


  7. Ohio 4-H Junior Swine Day


  8. Ohio Beef Expo


  9. Ohio 4-H Conference


  10. Ohio 4-H Week

