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  1. Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

    year and 5 percent behind the five-year average ( ... As of Sunday May 8, 30 percent of Ohio’s corn crop was planted, which is 14 percent behind last ... a timely start to spring planting diminish, especially in northern Ohio, growers need to reassess their ...

  2. Wheat Heading, Flowering, and Head Scab Risk

    over the last 7-10 days, the wheat crop is now heading-out or flowering in some parts of the state – do ... May 8, the risk of scab is low across most of the state (the map is green), but moderate in parts of ... corner if the state, but the wheat in that region is not yet flowering. Several fields across Southern ...

  3. 2016 On-Farm Fertilizer Trials for Corn, Soybean, and Wheat

    Ohio State is looking for farmer cooperators and crop consultants to help conduct on-farm field ... number of farms across the state and determine economically-optimum fertilization rates to maximize ... fertility needs, but also contribute to a state-wide effort for better nutrient management and water quality ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-14

    Decisions", a Purdue/Ohio State University Extension publication available online at: ... information at The 2010 Yield and Agronomic Characteristics would ... dollars across the United States, with the cost to Ohio growers $1.7 Billion.  This article was also ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-16

    Ohio. Even the risk of head scab continues to be low across the state. Cooler-than-usual temperatures ... rains we have had. The crop is at early to mid grain fill in southern Ohio and approaching pollination ... blight or head scab in central and northern Ohio where the wheat is flowering. As the wheat reaches the ...

  6. Butterflies Need Your Help- Milkweed for Monarchs

    If you care about the beautiful monarchs that flutter through Ohio, you can lend them a hand this ... fall.  The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) plants thousands of acres of roadside land with ... District office. The ODOT program not only helps save Ohio pollinators, it also saves taxpayer funds that ...


    Effective March 1, 2017, the Ohio Department of Health is now requiring all Food Service ...

  8. Soybean Cyst Nematode expands range in Ohio

    on the map.  Greg Tylka from Iowa State University coordinates this effort with Figure 1 illustrating ... the latest results.  As expected, in the last 3 years SCN was identified in more counties in Ohio ... eggs/cup soil.  We have identified fields across Ohio from west to east, next to the Pennsylvania border ...

  9. ChickQuest Spring 2016

    Franklin County and Education Projects & Parnerships, LLC with a grant from the Ohio Soybean Council. ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-11

    at The first disease that is usually detected ... Soybean Rust Update Authors: Anne Dorrance Two new counties were added to the USDA map this past ... Rust”. This is currently available on the web at, where ...
