
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-35

    Gibberella, Diplodia and anthracnose stalk rots are very common in Ohio and one or more of these diseases can ... potential of this field is high. Standability may not become an issue until Ohio experiences some wetter ... following this newsletter and sampling fields, growers in Ohio were able to save enormous amounts of money ...

  2. Communiqué February 13, 2013

    management situations. I have also been able to connect with several of the state specialist to coordinate ... in producing an updated and improved “Ohio 4-H Volunteer Handbook”. I also have really enjoyed being ... assigned as the Erie Basin EERA 4-H program representative to the state 4-H staff. This group of 4-H ...

  3. So there is lots to talk about in the weather

    After a record warm December, colder weather returned to Ohio and surrounding areas for January ... should know more about this in the next 2-4 week.  You can keep up on all of this at the NOAA/NWS/Ohio ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-07

    the corn acreage in Ohio may be planted with seed-applied insecticides (e.g.. Poncho and Cruiser). ... Clinics" I participated in in Ohio shows that only one out of three applicators are applying chemicals at ... the calibration process until your application error is within 5 percent. State Specialists: Anne ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-08

    Spring Insect Pest Problems Soybean Aphid Prediction for Ohio Update on Bees and the Neonicitinoid Seed ... and other field conditions. References Ghaffarzadeh, M. 1999. Strip Intercropping. Iowa State ... Prediction for Ohio Ron Hammond, Andy Michel We had reported the lack of eggs at most buckthorn sites last ...

  6. OARDC Soil Health In-service Training

    accommodate others. Registration is free (sponsored by Ohio-SARE and Ceres Trust), but spots are limited, so ...

  7. OARDC Soil Health In-service Training

    accommodate others. Registration is free (sponsored by Ohio-SARE and Ceres Trust), but spots are limited, so ...

  8. ESN as a Spring Nitrogen Fertilization Choice for Winter Wheat in Ohio

    ESN_wheat.pdf 2009 Small Grain Production Small Grain Production Wheat Fertility 2008 Clark Brookston Silty Clay Loam winter wheat Nitrogen N UAN ...

  9. West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology

    of the presenters include Dr. John Fulton, the new OSU specialist in precision ag technology, Ohio ... Ag Services/Ag Leader, Jamon Sellman Insurance Agency, Koenig Equipment, Ohio Ag Equipment, ...

  10. Soybean Stands-- Lots of Changes

    From too wet, too cold, to too dry and too hot.  It seems like Ohio has seen quite a range of ...
