
Search results

  1. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    history of OSU Extension The event will be held at the Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus ... team photo. Think O-H-I-O, but in a 100 formation. We look forward to highlighting your team. Photos ...

  2. Evaluating Winter Wheat Stand

    This year, many areas of Ohio experienced extremely low temperatures for several days.  (-20° as ...

  3. Combine Adjustments for 2015 Soybean Harvest

    their stated time intervals.  Belts should be tight and checked routinely. Soybean Harvest ...

  4. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    competition conducted by A. I. Root Company in Medina, Ohio. The project which, sought to bring their history ... A. I. Root Company. His idea was to develop a competition among Ohio’s landscape programs to design ...

  5. Northwest Ohio Hops Field Day

    Brad Bergefurd, Horticulturist Specialist at OSU South Centers, will showcase the one-year-old hops planting at the farm. Learn about new hops cultivars, innovative hop production techniques, pest control, and harvesting. ...

  6. 2016 Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session

    Click Here for the Flyer For more information visit   ...

  7. ATI students designing bee-friendly landscape for A.I. Root

    A.I. Root. His idea was to develop a competition among Ohio's landscape progr ams to design ...

  8. Growing Season Adversely Affected Ear Development

    drought had a major impact on ear and kernel formation in many Ohio corn fields this year. Poor ear and ...

  9. Evaluating Soybean Stand

    stand. 1.)     Uneven stand.  I evaluated a soybean stand last week in west central Ohio.  Similar to ...

  10. MarketReady Workshop Returns to Northeast Ohio

    Ohio food producers looking to sell through different marketing channels are invited to attend ...
